Forum Rules

Revision as of 21:44, 22 August 2015 by Carlosgs91 (Talk | contribs)

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Here are the rules.

  1. Posts are to be made in the relevant forum.
  2. Members should post in a respectful way to users. Flaming or abused is not permitted.
  3. Members should remember this board is aimed at a general audience.
  4. Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc.
  5. Members are asked to post only in English.
  6. Members should use an apropiate, descriptive subject when posting a new topic. Examples of bad subjects are: "Help me", "It doesn't work!", etc. Examples of good subjects are: "Tool gives an error when ...", "I have problems with convergence in ...", etc.
  7. Spam is not tolerated.
  8. The administration reserves the right to edit, remove or put on moderation queue any post at any time.
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